Female doctor writes of life in Saudi Arabia

Sumber : Yahoo! News, 26 Agustus 2008 By REBECCA SANTANA, Associated Press Writer Tue Aug 26, 6:52 PM ET

“In the Land of Invisible Women” (Sourcebooks Inc. 464 pages, $24.95) by Qanta A. Ahmed: Most job contracts don’t include mentions of the death penalty, but when Dr. Qanta A. Ahmed agreed to a new job in a Saudi Arabian hospital she became subject to the laws of that country which, as she writes in her memoir, can include decapitation.

After being denied a visa to stay in the United States, Ahmed, decides at “the spur of the moment” to accept a job practicing intensive care medicine at the King Fahad National Guard Hospital in Riyadh, the capitol of Saudi Arabia.

During her two-year stint, in which she works with an assortment of Saudi men and women as well as nurses and doctors from around the world, she encounters almost daily situations for which no American medical school could have prepared her: a female patient who is comatose but whose face still needs to be properly veiled; female medical personnel trying to listen attentively to a patient’s heartbeat through the rustling fabric of an abbayah, the long black head covering worn by women in Saudi Arabia. … continue reading this entry.

Buck, Poehler help indie label celebrate 20 years

Sumber : Yahoo! News, 25 Agustus 2008 By Cortney Harding Mon Aug 25, 5:36 PM ET

NEW YORK (Billboard) – Peter Buck of R.E.M., “SNL” star Amy Poehler and novelist Jonathan Lethem are among the curators of a limited-edition series of CDs that will mark the 20th anniversary of North Carolina independent label Merge Records.

SCORE!, a subscription-only boxed set, will feature 14 custom-curated discs comprising material from the Merge catalog, along with original artwork.

The first two discs will be curated by Buck and “Junebug” director Phil Morrison. In addition to Poehler and Lethem, curators of future volumes include musician David Byrne, artist Marcel Dzama and Momofuku chef David Chang.

Quantities of the discs will be limited to the number of people who preorder the series between September 8 and January 2009, when the first two volumes are scheduled for delivery. Proceeds from SCORE! will benefit charities chosen by the individual curators. … continue reading this entry.

Hemingway confidante brings author’s Havana to life

Sumber : Yahoo! News, 27 Agustus 2008 By Anna MacSwan Wed Aug 27, 3:05 PM ET

EDINBURGH (Reuters) – She was a teenager from Dublin looking to make her name as a journalist when American author Ernest Hemingway entered her life in 1959.

The young Irishwoman became his secretary and traveling companion, and after his death married his son.

Decades later, Valerie Hemingway brought her memories of daiquiris in tropical Cuba and bullfights in Spain to rainy Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital.

She teamed up with Scottish director Toby Gough and a Cuban music and dance group to recreate the Havana of the 1950s in a stage production called “Hemingway’s Havana” as part of last week’s Fringe Festival.

“Hemingway loved Cuba because it was a place where he could be anonymous,” she said in an interview with Reuters. … continue reading this entry.

“Twilight” author drops new book after Web leak

Sumber : Yahoo! News, Thu Sep 4, 1:34 AM ET

CANBERRA, Australia (Reuters) – Stephenie Meyer, author of the best-selling young adult “Twilight” books, has put the fifth and final installment in the series on hold in protest after a partial draft was posted on the Internet.

Meyer, the U.S. author of “Twilight” and its sequels “New Moon,” “Eclipse” and “Breaking Dawn,” said she had a good idea of how the leak of “Midnight Sun” had happened, since so few copies had left her hands and each was unique.

The novel tells the love story of a human teenager named Bella and her vampire lover, Edward.

“The manuscript that was illegally distributed on the Internet was given to trusted individuals for a good … continue reading this entry.

Manuver Politik Menjelang Pilpres

Oleh Aminuddin Siregar

Manuver politik menjelang pemilihan presiden 2009 mendatang ini, diperkirakan akan terjadi, walau dalam bentuk yang samar. Sebab maneuver politik merupakan salah satu kepiawaian para politisi sejak ribuan tahun lalu. Lompatan-lomptan politik yang tangkas dan sangat cekatan dimungkinkan terjadi. Tidak saja lantaran jumlah partai politik (parpol) yang dianggap oleh masyarakat terlalu banyak, tetapi juga karena maneuver politik adalah bagian dari seni bermain di atas panggung politik.

Kalau itu terjadi, bukanlah suatu keanehan dalam politik, melainkan merupakan tindakan yang memungkinkan bangkitnya kesadaran politik rakyat dan tumbhunya pengaruh luar biasa. Namun seringkali maneuver bukan untuk dicintai banyak orang, melainkan sekedar pencarian popularitas. Dalam politik itu sah adanya dan dianggap sangat realistik dalam upaya memangkan pertarungan sekaligus mewujudkan cita-cita menduduki kursi RI-1, banyak orang mengidamkannya. … continue reading this entry.

US military returns control of Anbar to Iraqis

Sumber : Yahoo!News, 01 September 2008 By ANNA JOHNSON, Associated Press Writer 15 minutes ago

BAGHDAD – The U.S. military handed over control of once brutally violent Anbar province to Iraqi forces Monday — marking a major milestone in America’s plan to eventually send its troops home.

But American officials warned that the struggle against al-Qaida in Iraq and other insurgents was not over in the western region, the scene of some of the bloodiest battles in Iraq since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

“This war is not quite over, but it’s being won and primarily by the people of Anbar. Al-Qaida has not been entirely defeated in Anbar, but their end is near and they know it,” said Marine Maj. Gen. John Kelly, the top U.S. commander in Anbar, during the handover ceremony. … continue reading this entry.

Sean Connery’s memoirs no “kiss and tell”

Sumber : Yahoo! News, Posting, 01 September 2008

By Ian MacKenzie Wed Aug 27, 3:08 PM ET

EDINBURGH (Reuters) – If you are looking for kiss-and-tell stories about the Bond girls or movie town gossip, Sean Connery’s memoirs are not for you.

More of a coffee table book, the renowned Scottish actor’s autobiography, “Being A Scot,” is a heavyweight tome written in collaboration with Scottish film maker Murray Grigor.

The book, launched on Connery’s 78th birthday this week at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, relates his 1930s childhood in the poor Fountainbridge area of Edinburgh.

He details his break into acting by way of milk delivery boy, the Royal Navy (invalided out with ulcers), art college model, bodybuilder, and — almost — professional footballer. … continue reading this entry.

Moskow ingatkan Eropa soal Georgia

Diperbaharui pada: 01 September, 2008 – Published 09:40 GMT

Presiden Rusia Dmitry Medvedev
Rusia akan membalas sanksi yang dijatuhkan, kata Presiden Medvedev

Sumber : BBC Siaran Indonesia, Posting, 01 September 2008

Oleh Wartawan Eropa BBC Jonny Dymond

Menteri Luar Negeri Rusia Sergei Lavrov mengatakan adalah kesalahan besar bila Barat terus mendukung kepemimpinan di Georgia.

Lavrov menyerukan embargo pasok senjata ke Georgia hingga terbentuk pemerintahan yang baru.

Pernyataan ini disampaikan sebelum digelar pertemuan tingkat tinggi Uni Eropa membahas krisis Georgia.

Pertemuan ini diperkirakan akan mengecam keras keputusan Rusia mengakui kemerdekaan dua provinsi Georgia yang memisahkan diri Ossetia Selatan dan Abkhazia. … continue reading this entry.

Ketegaran Wanita Palestina

Sumber : Harian Republik, 2008-08-31 14:44:00

Inilah novel yang betul-betul mengangkat realitas kehidupan para pengungsi Palestina

Apakah yang kita bayangkan tentang para wanita Palestina? Palestina adalah sebuah negeri yang selama 60 tahun dilanda peperangan tiada henti melawan pendudukan Zionis Israel yang didukung Barat, khususnya Amerika.

Satu hal yang pasti, negeri yang semula permai dan makmur itu telah melahirkan pahlawan demi pahlawan yang tak pernah kenal menyerah untuk membebaskan Masjid Aqsha dari penjajahan Israel.

Dan, para pahlawan itu, tidak hanya dari kalangan kaum prianya, melainkan juga para wanitanya. Kaum wanita Palestina tidak hanya melahirkan para pejuang (mujahid) yang berani menjemput maut dengan senyuman, akan tetapi mereka pun terlibat langsung dalam kancah peperangan melawan tentara dan penduduk Israel yang didatangkan dari berbagai Negara. … continue reading this entry.

Sarah Palin, calon wapres Republik

Diperbaharui pada: 29 Agustus, 2008 – Published 15:58 GMT

Sumber : BBC Siaran Indonesia, Posting, 31 Agustus 2008

Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin, gubernur termuda dalam sejarah Alaska

Calon presiden dari Partai Republik John McCain secara mengejutkan memilih Gubernur Alaska Sarah Palin sebagai calon wakil presiden, kata media Amerika.

Pada usia 44 tahun, Sarah Palin lebih muda dari Barack Obama dan diakui berjasa atas reformasi selama masa jabatan pertamanya di pos gubernur, tapi dia relatif tidak dikenal dalam dunia politik Amerika Serikat.

McCain akan memperkenalkan Sarah dalam rapat umum di Dayton, Ohio, selagi dia merayakan ulangtahun ke-72.

Para pengamat mengatakan, kubu McCain bernafsu untuk merebut kembali liputan media dari Obama.

Palin mungkin merupakan pilihan calon wapres paling berani bagi McCain, lapor wartawan BBC Kim Ghattas dari Dayton. … continue reading this entry.

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